Irrigation Installation
Using Water Wisely
We install innovative automatic irrigation systems that are designed to conserve water by separating, wherever possible, turf zones from ornamental plant beds. Depending on the water supply (potable, well, or reclaimed) we design our systems with components from the leading manufacturers to work best with your water quality, volume and pressure.
Getting water to your landscaped areas is vital in your plant’s survival. At Tommy Todd Landscape & Design we install innovative automatic irrigation systems that will separate your turf areas from ornamental landscape beds.
Go Green with Drip
Drip irrigation is great for municipal water supplies because it is 90% efficient in it’s usage; thereby putting water where it is needed, at the roots. By converting the old spray and rotor sprinklers in your landscape beds to drip you are protecting your landscape investment. Because drip irrigation is so much more efficient, it is less regulated ensuring your trees and shrubs will survive our dry seasons.

Rotors & Spray Heads
Conventional rotor and spray heads can be installed with lower volume nozzles for water conservation as well as for regulating pressure to avoid misting. However, you can expect only 50-75% efficiency from your spray and rotor zones in the conventional rotor system as compared with the direct application of water to the root zones with the drip irrigation system.

New Rain Bird ESP timers are user friendly and can be programmed to maximize your most efficient use of water whether the system is using well, reclaimed or city supplies.